Membership Criteria

Eligibility Criteria For Membership
Companies/Business undertakings engaged in manufacturing/trading or rendering services within the territory of Bangladesh and having minimum 50% foreign share holding in their equity are eligible for ‘Ordinary Membership’ and those having less than 50% but not below 20% foreign share holding are eligible for ‘Associate Membership’. Associate Membership is also open to any person being a foreign national representing the business interests of any foreign company/institution in Bangladesh.
Requirements For Membership Application
- Application Form duly filled in. [CEO of one of the existing member companies has to propose the application and another CEO has to second it.]
- Copy of Trade Licence (if applicable)
- Copy of registration/permission letter from relevant government authority like BIDA/BEPZA/Ministry of Industries etc.
- Copy of Certificate of Incorporation
- Copy of Memorandum & Articles of Association of the applicant company
- Copy of TIN certificate
- Bank certificate (preferably from a foreign bank)
- Photocopy of passport of the Chief Executive Officer of the applicant company if he/she is a foreigner along with his/her passport size photograph.
- Declaration in the company letterhead signed by its Managing Director/CEO to the effect that “there is no criminal or bankruptcy record in the name of the partners/directors of the company in their respective home countries or anywhere in the world”.
- Evidence of repatriation of foreign currency against investment in the company.
(Please note that the fiscal year of the Chamber is July-June. If any one applies in between then, he may pay Annual Membership Subscription on pro-rata basis i.e. for the remaining months of the fiscal year. But the Entry Fee must be paid in full)