Membership Criteria

Eligibility Criteria For Membership
Companies/Business undertakings engaged in manufacturing/trading or rendering services within the territory of Bangladesh and having minimum 50% foreign share holding in their equity are eligible for ‘Ordinary Membership’ and those having less than 50% but not below 20% foreign share holding are eligible for ‘Associate Membership’. Associate Membership is also open to any person being a foreign national representing the business interests of any foreign company/institution in Bangladesh.
Requirements For Membership Application
- Application Form duly filled in. [CEO of one of the existing member companies has to propose the application and another CEO has to second it.]
- Copy of Trade Licence (if applicable)
- Copy of registration/permission letter from relevant government authority like BIDA/BEPZA/Ministry of Industries etc.
- Copy of Certificate of Incorporation
- Copy of Memorandum & Articles of Association of the applicant company
- Copy of TIN certificate
- Bank certificate (preferably from a foreign bank)
- Photocopy of passport of the Chief Executive Officer of the applicant company if he/she is a foreigner along with his/her passport size photograph.
- Declaration in the company letterhead signed by its Managing Director/CEO to the effect that “there is no criminal or bankruptcy record in the name of the partners/directors of the company in their respective home countries or anywhere in the world”.
- Evidence of repatriation of foreign currency against investment in the company.
(Please note that the fiscal year of the Chamber is July-June. If any one applies in between then, he may pay Annual Membership Subscription on pro-rata basis i.e. for the remaining months of the fiscal year. But the Entry Fee must be paid in full)
Become A Member

Requirements For Membership Application
- Ordinary Member
- Associate Member
Membership Charges
- Crossed cheque for total Tk.200,000 for ordinary membership (Tk.100,000 towards annual membership subscription and Tk.100,000 towards entry fee) and total Tk.175,000 for associate membership (Tk.75,000 towards annual subscription and Tk.100,000 as entry fee) favouring Foreign Investors’ Chamber of Commerce & Industry.
Are you Ready to Become a FICCI Member?
(Please note that the fiscal year of the Chamber is July-June. If any one applies in between then, he may pay Annual Membership Subscription on pro-rata basis i.e. for the remaining months of the fiscal year. But the Entry Fee must be paid in full)
Online Registration